
“Our mission is to provide the resources to facilitate the development of positive responses to the physical, emotional and relational injuries which impact those who have served as the guardians of our nation.”

Guardian Hills

Since 9/11, over 2.5 million U.S. military personnel have been deployed overseas in the Global War on Terror (GWT).

Subsequently, there has been an alarming increase among returning service members in the incidence of Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), Moral Injury (MI), difficulties in assimilating back into civilian relationships and, most tragically, suicides. Current Veterans Administration data estimates that there are nearly 50,000 GWT veterans in Missouri alone who are living with the effects of PTS. In response to this national and regional crisis, Guardian Hills Veterans Healing Center, a Missouri Not for Profit Corporation with Federal IRS 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt status, offers one-week residential retreat programs free of charge to veterans of all eras in a 28-acre rural campus setting.

The facility, located near Kirksville, Missouri, includes three 4-bedroom residential cabins to lodge participants and staff, a 12,000 square foot multipurpose arena, a self-expression activity building and a renovated historic barn which serves as the dining and social center. Retreat programs utilize immersive educational and therapeutic experiences based on the proven concept of Post Traumatic Growth.

Curriculum modules include the use of horses, archery, art/self-expression, yoga, genograms, disc golf, an evening outdoor fireplace, natural environmental interaction and a labyrinth to assist in the formation of positive processes and recovery activities that are then utilized by the veterans and their local support and treatment resources.

Follow-up support and assistance is provided by regularly scheduled contacts and identifying the appropriate level of ongoing intervention as determined at the retreat’s conclusion. Although multiple studies have demonstrated that retreat-based programs are very effective modalities for veteran Post Traumatic Stress, few are located in the Midwest. Numerous national and regional experts in the field of veteran PTS have contributed to the curriculum planning, development and implementation.

Future plans include the expansion of programs to include couples, families, military sexual trauma and first responders. Administrative headquarters are in Columbia, Missouri.

By learning positive responses and coping/thriving mechanisms for PTS and MI while seeking appropriate assistance, veterans and their families can enjoy healthier and more productive lives.

Guardian Hills Second Annual Banquet & Auction Fundraiser

Join us for a special evening to help support veterans in need.