*Volunteer Waiver: I attest that my signature below grants that I have read, understood, and agree to all parts of this document in full. I understand that my signature below releases the non-profit organization Guardian Hills Veterans Healing Center (GHVHC) from any liability for any injuries, health related issues, or other work-related problems. I am volunteering of my own volition and will not hold GHVHC accountable for any damages I might incur while participating. I realize I will be my own judge and act in accordance on my own behalf and not engage in activities I do not feel able to perform based on my medical conditions/history, or any other reason that I feel compelled to not participate in said activity. Furthermore, I understand and consent to GHVHC conducting on me a background check through the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS) prior to volunteering. Media Consent: I acknowledge that my signature below means that I have read, understand, and agree to allow GHVHC to videotape, photograph, or record my image, voice, or both either before, during, or after any GHVHC sponsored event, workshop, or affiliated activity to be used for, but not limited to, the purposes of public relations, fundraising, advertising, education, and community outreach. I further understand that I waive all claim(s) to recompense for damages from GHVHC or affiliates for the use of my image, voice, or both being reproduced for the purposes stated above by GHVHC or affiliates.